301 Multi-fuel Inset Stove by Esse

The Esse 301 Multi-fuel Inset Stove combines dramatic heat-output, traditional style and fuel-efficiency. The Esse stove heats by convection drawing cold air into the base of the firebox and then radiating warm air through the top grill, heating the room with a continuous stream of hot air.

The Esse 301 has 4 door options available, for both modern and traditional homes.

Esse stoves are designed and built in the UK.


Fits standard fireplace with brick fire back in place

  • Suitable for continuous burning
  • No additional air vents are normally required
  • Suitable for class 1 chimneys
  • Operating range up to 5kW/h
  • Up to 71% efficient

Esse 301 Multi-fuel Inset Stove